Effects of consuming ounce equivalent portions of fresh pork versus nuts, beans, and eggs, as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on essential amino acid substrate availability for protein anabolism in older adults

Wayne Campbell

Primary Investigator

Effects of consuming ounce equivalent portions of fresh pork versus nuts, beans, and eggs, as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on essential amino acid substrate availability for protein anabolism in older adults


This study is looking at how different sources of protein influence blood amino acids (building blocks for proteins in the body).


If eligible, participants will be asked to come to Stone Hall at Purdue’s main campus in West Lafayette for 1 screening day and 4 testing days during the study. The screening will take 30 minutes.Testing days involve consuming a meal and timed blood draws from an IV line over approximately 5.5 hours. Participants will be asked to consume a provided dinner the night before each testing day. There will be no added cost to participate in the study.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    healthy,overweight,obese,IRB-2019-354 (PURDUE)
  • Age: Between 55 Years - 75 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
Age 55-75 years 
Have a BMI between 20 and 35
Be weight stable (± 4.5 kg/10 lbs in previous 3 months)
Not currently (or within 3 months pre-study) following a vigorous exercise regimen of > 3 hours per week
Not be diabetic
Be non-smoking
Willing to consume study foods and travel to the testing facility for study visits
Exclusion Criteria
Age <55 or >75 years
BMI <20 or >35
Weight loss or gain > 4.5 kg/10 lbs in the previous 3 months
Following a stable intensive physical activity regimen during the previous 3 months for > 3 hours per week of moderate or high intensity exercise, resistance, or aerobic training.
Pregnant or lactating

Additional Information:
Seeking older adults who are:
Age 55-75
BMI between 20-35
Be weight stable (± 4.5 kg/10 lbs in previous 3 months)
Current non-smokers
Not diagnosed with diabetes
Willing to travel to Purdue University for study visits

Participants will be paid for their participation.

Updated on 08 May 2024. Study ID: IRB-2019-354 (PURDUE)

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