Collection of Samples from Pregnant Women for the Evaluation of Preeclampsia (Pre-e) Biomarkers

David Haas, MD

Primary Investigator

Jessica MacLean

Primary Investigator


The purpose of this study is to obtain serum and urine samples from pregnant women at high concern for preeclampsia to evaluate and validate the performance of an assay intended for use as an aid in assessing the risk of preeclampsia and particularly to assess negative predictive values of the test in the 7 days following blood sampling and analysis.


The purpose of this study is to obtain serum and urine samples from pregnant women at high concern for preeclampsia to evaluate and validate the performance of an assay intended for use as an aid in assessing the risk of preeclampsia and particularly to assess negative predictive values of the test in the 7 days following blood sampling and analysis.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: - 100 Years
  • Gender: All
Updated on 25 Apr 2024. Study ID: 1509141519

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