Neural bases of alcohol-related decision-making

Brandon Oberlin

Primary Investigator


The purpose of this study is to help us better understand addiction and the risk for developing alcoholism and to help us understand how the brain makes choices about drinking alcohol.


The purpose of this study is to help us better understand addiction and the risk for developing alcoholism and to help us understand how the brain makes choices about drinking alcohol.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    Alcohol drinker,healthy,healthy,alcohol drinker,alcohol
  • Age: Between 21 Years - 45 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
Drink alcohol
Able to understand questionnaires/procedures in English
Exclusion Criteria
Pregnant/breastfeeding women
Self-reported asthma or special sensitivity or allergy to fragrances
Taking nasally-administered medications
Additional Information:
Participants will be paid for their participation.

Updated on 23 Apr 2024. Study ID: 1504341431
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