The effects of age and hearing loss on vocalization in different types of background noise

Karen Forrest

Primary Investigator


The purpose of this study is to measure speech production in the presence of different types of background noise and investigate the effects of age and/or hearing loss on vocalization in different types of background noise.


The purpose of this study is to determine whether age and/or hearing loss makes a difference in the characteristics of a speaker's vocalization in noise with different types of background noise.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 100 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
Young normal hearing group:
Normal hearing in both ears
No history (self-reported) of speech and language disorder in the past five years or significant (self-determined) tinnitus or hyperacusis.
Native speakers of American English and will be between 18 and 39 years of age with no formal vocal training.
Elderly normal hearing group:
Normal hearing (adjusted for some aging effects) in both ears
No history (self-reported) of speech and language disorder in the past five years or significant (self-determined) tinnitus or hyperacusis.
Native speakers of American English and will be at least 60 years of age with no formal vocal training.
Hearing impaired group:
Will have sensorineural hearing loss, in other words will not have normal hearing in both ears
Must have a pure tone average of 50 dB or better in one or both ears
No history (self-reported) of speech and language disorder in the past five years or significant (self-determined) tinnitus or hyperacusis
Native speakers of American English and will be at least 18 years of age with no formal vocal training

Additional Information:
This study takes place on the IU Bloomington campus.

Participants will be paid for their participation.

Updated on 26 Apr 2024. Study ID: 1506974984

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