Reducing Risk of Dementia through Deprescribing: Cognitive Outcomes After AntiCholinergic Reduction (R2D2: COACH)

Malaz Boustani, MD

Primary Investigator

Noll Campbell

Primary Investigator


This study will evaluate the effects of the use of a program to reduce prescribing of a group of commonly prescribed medications called anticholingerics that may adversely effect cognitive functioning in older adults.


You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 65 Years - 100 Years
  • Gender: All

Inclusion Criteria
At least one office visit to their primary care physician within the previous 12 months;
At least one order for a strong anticholinergic medication in the previous 12 months
 Subjective cognitive dysfunction by meeting either (a) or (b) of the following criteria:
a.    A response of “somewhat worse” or “much worse” to the SCD screening question: “In general, how would you describe your memory as compared to 10 years ago? Response offerings are: much better / somewhat better / about the same / somewhat worse / much worse.
b.    A score of 5 or less on the Six-Item Screener (SIS).98 The SIS is a global measure of cognitive status that assesses three-item recall and orientation to year, month, and day of the week.
Able to communicate in English;
Access to a telephone
Exclusion Criteria
Permanent resident of an extended care facility (nursing home)
Diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, or schizoaffective disorder defined by ICD9/10 codes
Diagnosis of ADRD as determined by either:
a.     ICD-9/ICD10 codes, or
b.    Current use of a medication for ADRD, or
c.    SIS score less than 3
d.    Functional Activities Questionnaire (FAQ) score greater than 7 indicating ADRD Used by itself, the FAQ has a sensitivity of 0.85 and specificity of 0.81 for the diagnosis of ADRD. When used in conjunction with a cognitive screening tool, such as the SIS, specificity improves to 0.89 with sensitivity of 0.91 for the diagnosis of ADRD.

Updated on 02 May 2024. Study ID: 1706800075
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