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Found 17 Fracture trials

A listing of Fracture medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

Utility of Serum Biomarkers in Diagnosing Fracture-Related Infections: A Pilot Study

Roman Natoli, MD
18-85 years
Healthy Volunteer
All genders
The primary aim will be to determine if serum inflammatory biomarkers can reliably diagnose FRIs as compared to a standardized definition of FRI.

Effects of Skeletal Trauma on the Metabolome

Todd McKinley, MD
Todd Owen Mckinley
18-55 years
All genders
The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of skeletal trauma on the human metabolome, or the pathways by which the body creates, stores, and breaks down energy.


Roman Natoli, MD
18-85 years
All genders
The overall aim of this proposal is to identify a biomarker diagnostic strategy that can be implemented in patients sustaining fractures at high-risk for infection. This proposal will address the hypothesis that there is a biomarker signature that will be able to discriminate between patients who develop FRI compared to …

What is the role of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) in nonunion of orthopaedic cases?

Roman Natoli, MD
18-100 years
All genders
The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), a molecular method to detect bacterial DNA presence, in 1) diagnosis of infected nonunion compared to microbiological culture and 2) compare NGS signal with clinical outcome and fracture healing.

Virtual Mechanical Testing of Humeral Fracture Healing and Nonunion

Roman Natoli, MD
18-70 years
All genders
This study will examine whether the stiffness of a partially healed bone, measured using a 3D image and computer simulation constructed from a CT scan can predict at a very early stage if there are problems with how the bone is healing. 

Early Serial Sampling of Peripheral Blood for the Purposes of Predicting Fracture Nonunion

Roman Natoli, MD
18-60 years
All genders
The purpose of this study is to determine if certain molecules in the bloodstream can be used to improve our ability to predict the development of a nonunion or unhealed bone or fracture related infection.  This study is looking at many molecules and we will determine if the levels of …

Treatment of Tibial Pilon and Plateau Fractures with Intramedullary Nailing- Evaluation of Outcome

Anthony Sorkin, MD
All genders
The purpose of this study is to compare clinical outcomes of patients that underwent IMN for tibial plateau fractures to patients that underwent ORIF for similar fractures; and to compare clinical outcomes of patients that underwent IMN for tibial pilon fractures to patients that underwent ORIF for similar fractures.

Intraarticular distal femur extreme nailing results

Walter Virkus, MD
All genders
The purpose of this study is to determine the outcomes of retrograde IMN and ORIF in the treatment of intraarticular distal femur fractures.

Serum Protein-Based Indices for the Progression of Fracture Healing and Nonunion

Roman Natoli, MD
18-70 years
All genders
To define a serum protein-based diagnostic for the progression and failure of fracture healing, through the identification of a set of serum proteins that appear at early times of biological healing and show a specific correlation with later radiological and functional signs used to define delayed healing and non-union. 

Cast or Operation for Medial Epicondyle Fracture Treatment in Children (COMET)

Erika Daley
7-17 years
All genders
This protocol describes a multicenter, prospective randomized superiority trial of medialdyle fracture treatments comparing functional outcomes between children treated withve reduction and fixation or non-operative immobilization.
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